It is October and acorns are thumping the ground, squirrels are scurrying around, fall leaves are perfect and a young flock of Jakes and Jennies are scratching the ground. My love of archery came when watching the movie Robin Hood, the American Sportsman, and later, watching Fred Bear take numerous animals with his recurve. The places he hunted with his bow stirred in my blood and lives in me today. My love of traditional archery has led me to hunting, collecting and shooting recurves. My collection of Kodiak and Grizzley recurves from Grayling Michigan, from 1949 to 1978, encompasses the grayling years. It was exciting to put my small collection together through garage and estate sales, buying, selling, and trading. Along with the bows came quivers, arrows, broad heads and anything to do with traditional archery.

The archers I met along the way have enhanced my life by sharing their love of archery and the traditional way of life.

I have not been fortunate to hunt the far away places we all dream of such as Alaska, British Columbia, Kansas, Iowa or Montana. But I have been fortunate to hunt the wood and highlands of northern New Jersey where I live. The ridges and old farms of the state have been my hunting ground for some 45 years.

My fulfillment comes from hunting with my Kodiak and Grizzley recurves. I have hunted with other great bows such as Black Widows, Schafers, Hoyts and Old Bighorns but for me, it’s grabbing one of my Grayling bows, with cedar arrows, turkey feathers and an old Broadhead attached.

It is there I step back to the Grayling years

Rich Tiberio, Graylingdeerslayer